Custom engines
Ktor's HTTP client and server provide a common interface while allowing to use of different engines to perform and handle HTTP requests.
Ktor includes several artifacts and engines:
For the server: Netty
, Jetty
, Tomcat
, TestEngine
For the client: ApacheEngine
, JettyHttp2Engine
, CIOEngine
, TestHttpClientEngine
ApplicationEngine API
A simplified version of the ApplicationEngine
looks like this:
interface ApplicationEngineFactory<
out TEngine : ApplicationEngine,
TConfiguration : ApplicationEngine.Configuration
> {
fun create(environment: ApplicationEngineEnvironment, configure: TConfiguration.() -> Unit): TEngine
interface ApplicationEngine {
val environment: ApplicationEngineEnvironment
fun start(wait: Boolean = false): ApplicationEngine
fun stop(gracePeriod: Long, timeout: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit)
open class Configuration {
val parallelism: Int
var connectionGroupSize: Int
var workerGroupSize: Int
var callGroupSize: Int
interface ApplicationEngineEnvironment {
val connectors: List<EngineConnectorConfig>
val application: Application
fun start()
fun stop()
val classLoader: ClassLoader
val log: Logger
val config: ApplicationConfig
val monitor: ApplicationEvents
interface EngineConnectorConfig {
val type: ConnectorType
val host: String
val port: Int
data class ConnectorType(val name: String) {
companion object {
val HTTP = ConnectorType("HTTP")
val HTTPS = ConnectorType("HTTPS")
abstract class BaseApplicationEngine(
final override val environment: ApplicationEngineEnvironment,
val pipeline: EnginePipeline = defaultEnginePipeline(environment)
) : ApplicationEngine {
val application: Application
Each implementation of the ApplicationEngineFactory
along with a subtyped ApplicationEngine.Configuration
define the publicly exposed APIs for each engine.
fun ApplicationEngineFactory.create(environment: ApplicationEngineEnvironment, configure: TConfiguration.() -> Unit): TEngine
The ApplicationEngineFactory.create
instantiates the correct subtyped ApplicationEngine.Configuration
and calls the provided configure: TConfiguration.() -> Unit
lambda that should mutate the configuration object. It also constructs an implementation of the ApplicationEngine
, most likely a subtype of BaseApplicationEngine
For example:
class MyApplicationEngineFactory
<MyApplicationEngine, MyApplicationEngineConfiguration>
fun create(
environment: ApplicationEngineEnvironment,
configure: MyApplicationEngineConfiguration.() -> Unit
): MyApplicationEngine {
val configuration = MyApplicationEngineConfiguration()
return MyApplicationEngine(environment, configuration)
The interface ApplicationEngine
with an abstract implementation of BaseApplicationEngine
starts and stops the application. It holds the ApplicationEngineEnvironment
as well as the constructed configuration of the application.
This class has two methods:
The start
method: connects to the ApplicationEngineEnvironment.connectors
(from the environment), starts the environment, and starts and configures the engine to trigger execution of the application
pipeline for each HTTP request with an ApplicationCall
The stop
method: stops the engine and the environment, and unregisters all items registered by the start
The BaseApplicationEngine
exposes an ApplicationEngineEnvironment
passed to the constructor and creates an EnginePipeline
, which is used as an intermediary to pre-intercept the application pipeline. It also installs default transformations in the send and receive pipelines, and logs the defined connection endpoints.
For example:
class MyApplicationEngine(
environment: ApplicationEngineEnvironment,
configuration: MyApplicationEngineConfiguration
) : BaseApplicationEngine(environment) {
val myEngine = MyEngine()
override fun start(wait: Boolean): MyApplicationEngine {
return this
override fun stop(gracePeriod: Long, timeout: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit) {
private fun handleRequest(request: MyEngineCall) {
val call: ApplicationCall = request.toApplicationCall()
Last modified: 09 September 2021