Ktor 3.0.0-beta-1 Help

Ktor releases

Ktor follows Semantic Versioning:

  • Major versions (x.0.0) contain incompatible API changes.

  • Minor versions (x.y.0) provide backward-compatible new functionality.

  • Patch versions (x.y.z) contain backward-compatible fixes.

For each major and minor release, we also ship several preview (EAP) versions for you to try new features before they are released. For more details, see Early Access Program.

Gradle plugin

The Gradle Ktor plugin and the framework are in the same release cycle. You can find all plugin releases on the Gradle Plugin Portal.

IntelliJ Ultimate plugin

The IntelliJ Ktor plugin is released independently of the Ktor framework and uses the same release cycle as IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate.

Update to a new release

The IntelliJ Ktor plugin allows you to migrate your Ktor project to the latest version. You can learn more from the Migrate projects section.

Release details

The following table lists details of the latest Ktor releases.


Release Date



June 20, 2024

A patch release, including bug fixes in Ktor Core and Ktor Server, as well as version updates for Netty and OpenAPI.

See changelog on GitHub


May 9, 2024

A patch release, including a bug fix for applying a socket timeout to the Test Client's engine.

See changelog on GitHub


April 8, 2024

A patch release including various bug fixes for the CallLogging and SSE server plugins, improved Android client logging, and more.

See changelog on GitHub


March 4, 2024

A patch release including a bug fix for the ContentNegotiation client plugin, and an added support for sending secure cookies over HTTP.

See changelog on GitHub


January 31, 2024

A patch release including various bug fixes for URLBuilder, CORS and WebSocket plugins.

See changelog on GitHub


December 7, 2023

A patch release including bug fixes in ContentNegotiation, WebSockets, and the memory usage in Native Server.

See changelog on GitHub


November 23, 2023

A major pre-release version with various improvements and bug fixes, including client and server SSE support. For more information on breaking changes, see the migration guide.

See changelog on GitHub


November 7, 2023

A patch release, including a fix for a breaking change in 2.3.5 and various other bug fixes.

See changelog on GitHub


October 5, 2023

A patch release, including fixes in Darwin and Apache5 engine configurations.

See changelog on GitHub


August 31, 2023

A patch release, including a bug fix in the HTTP Cookie header and the NoTransformationFoundException error.

See changelog on GitHub


August 1, 2023

A patch release that includes client and server support for linuxArm64 and various bug fixes.

See changelog on GitHub


June 28, 2023

A patch release with upgraded Kotlin version to 1.8.22 and various bug fixes.

See changelog on GitHub


May 31, 2023

A patch release including improvements in server configurations and various bug fixes.

See changelog on GitHub


April 19, 2023

A feature release adding support for multiple configuration files, regex patterns in Routing and more.

See changelog on GitHub


February 28, 2023

A patch release containing various bug fixes in the HTTP client, Routing and ContentNegotiation.

See changelog on GitHub


January 31, 2023

A patch release, including multiplatform functionality for OAuth2 and various bug fixes.

See changelog on GitHub


January 3, 2023

A patch release including a bug fix for 2.2.1, improvements and fixes in the Swagger plugin and more.

See changelog on GitHub


December 7, 2022

A patch release for the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kotlinx/atomicfu/AtomicFU error in 2.2.0.

See changelog on GitHub


December 7, 2022

A multiple feature release, including Swagger UI hosting, new plugins API, multiplatform support for Sessions and more. For more information, see the Migrating from 2.0.x to 2.2.x guide.

See changelog on GitHub


October 26, 2022

A patch release with various bug fixes.

See changelog on GitHub


September 29, 2022

A patch release that includes bug fixes in Routing, Testing engine and Ktor client.

See changelog on GitHub


September 6, 2022

A patch release with various bug fixes in Ktor client and server.

See changelog on GitHub


August 11, 2022

A minor release, adding support for YAML configuration and various other improvements and bug fixes.

See changelog on GitHub


June 28, 2022

A patch release containing bug fixes and upgraded kotlinx.coroutines version to 1.6.2.

See changelog on GitHub


May 27, 2022

A patch release containing various improvements, bug fixes and dependencies version upgrades.

See changelog on GitHub


April 28, 2022

A patch release with various bug fixes and updated Kotlin version to 1.6.21.

See changelog on GitHub


April 11, 2022

A major release with updated API docs and various new features. For more information on braking changes and how to migrate from 1.x.x, see the migration guide.

See changelog on GitHub


March 15, 2022

A patch release containing dependencies version upgrades.

See changelog on GitHub

Last modified: 21 June 2024