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Server-Sent Events in Ktor Client

Server-Sent Events (SSE) is a technology that allows a server to continuously push events to a client over an HTTP connection. It's particularly useful in cases where the server needs to send event-based updates without requiring the client to repeatedly poll the server.

The SSE plugins supported by Ktor provide a straightforward method for creating a one-way connection between the server and the client.

Add dependencies

SSE only requires the ktor-client-core artifact and doesn't need any specific dependencies.

Install SSE

To install the SSE plugin, pass it to the install function inside a client configuration block:

import io.ktor.client.* import io.ktor.client.engine.cio.* import io.ktor.client.plugins.sse.* //... val client = HttpClient(CIO) { install(SSE) }

Configure the SSE plugin

You can optionally configure the SSE plugin within the install block by setting the supported properties of the SSEConfig class:


Sets the reconnection delay. If the connection to the server is lost, the client will wait for the specified time before attempting to reconnect.


Adds events that contain only comments in the incoming flow.


Adds events that contain only the retry field in the incoming flow.

In the following example, the SSE plugin is installed into the HTTP client and configured to include events that only contain comments and those that contain only the retry field in the incoming flow:

val client = HttpClient { install(SSE) { showCommentEvents() showRetryEvents() } }

Handle SSE sessions

A client's SSE session is represented by the DefaultClientSSESession interface. This interface exposes the API that allows you to receive server-sent events from a server.

Access an SSE session

The HttpClient allows you to get access to an SSE session in one of the following ways:

  • The sse() function creates the SSE session and allows you to act on it.

  • The sseSession() function allows you to open an SSE session.

The following parameters are available to both functions. To specify the URL endpoint, choose from two options:

  • Use the urlString parameter to specify the whole URL as a string.

  • Use the schema, host, port, and path parameters to specify the protocol scheme, domain name, port number and path name respectively.

runBlocking { client.sse(host = "", port = 8080, path = "/events") { // this: ClientSSESession } }

Optionally, the following parameters are available to configure the connection:


Sets the reconnection delay.


Specifies whether to show events that contain only comments in the incoming flow.


Specifies whether to show events that contain only the retry field in the incoming flow.

SSE session block

Within the lambda argument, you have access to the ClientSSESession context. The following properties are available within the block:


The associated HttpClientCall that originated the session.


An incoming server-sent events flow.


The example below creates a new SSE session with the events endpoint, reads events through the incoming property and prints the received ServerSentEvent.

fun main() { val client = HttpClient { install(SSE) { showCommentEvents() showRetryEvents() } } runBlocking { client.sse(host = "", port = 8080, path = "/events") { while (true) { incoming.collect { event -> println("Event from server:") println(event) } } } } client.close() }

For the full example, see client-sse.

Last modified: 06 February 2025