Ktor 1.6.8 Help


If you have some restrictions on your JAR size, for example, when deploying a free application to heroku, you can use proguard to shrink it. If you are using gradle, it is pretty straightforward to use the proguard-gradle plugin. You only have to remember to keep: your main module method, the EngineMain class, and the Kotlin reflect classes. You can then fine-tune it as required:

buildscript { ext.proguard_version = '7.2.0-beta2' dependencies { classpath "com.guardsquare:proguard-gradle:$proguard_version" } } task minimizedJar(type: proguard.gradle.ProGuardTask, dependsOn: shadowJar) { injars "build/libs/my-application.jar" outjars "build/libs/my-application.min.jar" if (System.getProperty('java.version').startsWith('1.')) { libraryjars "${System.getProperty('java.home')}/lib/rt.jar" } else { libraryjars "${System.getProperty('java.home')}/jmods/java.base.jmod", jarfilter: '!**.jar', filter: '!module-info.class' } printmapping "build/libs/my-application.map" ignorewarnings dontobfuscate dontoptimize dontwarn def keepClasses = [ 'io.ktor.server.netty.EngineMain', // The EngineMain you use, netty in this case. 'kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.**', 'io.ktor.samples.hello.HelloApplicationKt', // The class containing your module defined in the application.conf 'kotlin.text.RegexOption' ] for (keepClass in keepClasses) { keep access: 'public', name: keepClass, { method access: 'public' method access: 'private' } } }
Last modified: 12 September 2021